Weirdest dream I ever had!
Last night I was having this very weird dream…
It was thursday afternoon together with my family we are talking about a scenario or an event that will likely happen on an upcoming saturday. We somehow believe about it and we also knew that some people won’t believe the upcoming event, ‘cause it’s just too impossible.
Saturday, it was sunny but outside in our house is all wet because it was raining before noontime, and it was noontime. We're all in our house and just about to finish our lunch. I went to our kitchen to get a glass of water, then suddenly in a blink of an eye the sunlight becomes very bright, yellowish and the brightness becomes very thin. Then I look outside the window and saw the whole backyard was steaming and realized that it's the water in the soil around us was vaporizing very fast.
The environment that was wet becomes dry very fast, you can feel the heat of the sun even if you are inside the house, more like the heat is radiating from the outside.
Then the water in my cup was gone! I try to refill the cup in the faucet but no water comes out, it’s like everything is going to be dry, no more water to quench your thirst.
Later it was about 4pm in the afternoon I can now see the sun in our window, and there I saw a total solar eclipse. And for sometime I went back to look at the sun, and then the eclipse now is partial.
The weird thing about what I saw is that I can see the corona of the sun in my naked eye and the sun appears to be very dark red, yet still so bright. The sky appears to be gray like covered with clouds and is about to rain. And there is this humming sound you can hear all over. The sound is deafening and it really annoys you because it all over the atmosphere.
We close and lock all doors in our house, and try to close all windows. Because the event that was happening reminds us of that in the Revelation in the Bible. (The 3 days of darkness and etc.)
Then I went on to the internet and searched the news for what was happening. It says there breaking news. It's all about the very unusual activity of the sun and was about a big solar storm and that the sun was ejecting massive CME's. The largest we have ever witness in our human history. Scientist says that the earths atmosphere could not withhold the radiation it'll bring to us and that we need to be indoors or inside a shelter 'cause it's very dangerous to go outside.
For us it's very terrifying, we we're all scared. After a few hours, an update came up over the news and this time it's different. It says there that there is an explosion observed near in our sun and is releasing large chunks of asteroids, and the largest is headed towards the earth.
(This dream is really all about doom!)
Fourth Scene:
We stayed in one place in our house, just right over in our stairs and then suddenly we heard a banging noisy sound in our roof. I look into our ceiling and see that it’s about to collapse, we hold on to each other and see that it was raining gravel.
The collision course of the largest asteroid was diverted by launching multiple nuclear rockets simultaneously.
While I was still dreaming I realized the danger and the feeling of being doomed and asked myself out what would be the safest shelter from the heat and radiation of the sun. And I came up with the pyramids
Then this dream leads me to this question.
Is the ancient pyramids of the world a shelter for the ancient people in protection of the radiation from space?
If we are inside, are we safe from the radiation of our sun?
This image is just a representation of this horrible dream.
